Update on Commerce


Is there any update on when we’ll be seeing a version of Commerce in the wild? First day of summer has just passed, and I wan’t to hide inside and play with it! :sunglasses:



We should get another update out for the people who signed up for early access I guess :wink:

Commerce is moving slowly (much slower than even my worst case scenarios, I’ll admit), and I think we’ll probably need to consider calling it an alpha rather than a beta to get it into people’s hands sooner. That would mean it’s further off from production-ready than I was hoping for in the early access program, and I am kinda worried about tainting people’s first impressions with an unfinished product. But we need to get it released one way or another…

There’s a ton of little things and then a bunch of bigger things that need to be completed, and lately the momentum has not been there due to personal and professional issues.

In hindsight, I should’ve kept my mouth shut at the MODXpo until Commerce was further along, but I was just too excited about the prospects!

So I’m afraid for now you’ll have to go out and enjoy the summer :wink:

No worries, and thanks for the update.

That picture is horrifically accurate :expressionless: but heyho; Netherlands is pretty much exactly the same, weather buddies!