i,m trying to show the chosen timeslot in the checkout. So when a timeslot is picked the next step will show it in the summery (summery-twig). Even better would be to show this instead of a shipping. address, sice they are colecting it themzelves. I,ve pasted the example from the documentation docs. But it doesn’t work like aspected, Am i missing something?
{% if shipment.method.class_key == ‘TimeSlotsShippingMethod’ and shipment.properties.timeslots_slot_info %}
{{ shipment.properties.timeslots_date_info.locale_day }},
{{ shipment.properties.timeslots_slot_info.time_from|date(‘H:i’) }}–{{ shipment.properties.timeslots_slot_info.time_until|date(‘H:i’) }}
{% endif %}`