I’m wondering what spam-prevention techniques people are using with Formalicious.
I never did get ReCaptcha to work with it - and to be honest - with the trackers it deploys vs GDPR requirements I want to use that less, not more.
I usually just enable the math captcha hook as described in the documentation and this works well to a point. But once a form has been live for a while the spam starts to creep in even with this in place.
Finally, you add the recaptchav3 (or recaptchav2) to the PostHooks field in the form.
NB. I am pretty sure I have gotten this working automatically, either by finding the placeholder [[!+FormItParameters]] in the code and adding the recaptchav3 to the hooks, or by adding a &hooks=recaptchav3 to my custom form, but I can’t currently find out which or where I did it!