Referrals Extra

Anybody using the referrals extra? Just wondering if it works well? Also, will it only work if the referring link, links to a product or will the token stay in place if the visitor goes elsewhere on the site?

Hi @chrisandy :wave:
I actually just updated Referrals over the weekend for MODX 3 and PHP 8, so it should be working fine. If there are any issues, please report them on the repo and I’ll get them sorted: GitHub - digitalpenguin/commerce_referrals: A referral module for Commerce on MODX.

On the first page that loads (when using the ?ref=my-referral-code parameter), it’ll add that to the user’s session. So even if they navigate away from the shop and back, it’ll still add the referral info to any completed purchase.

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Thank you - I noticed it had just been updated. I’m at the stage of preparing a quote for a client so hopefully I can get to use it.

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Hi @digitalpenguin, sounds very nice and very interesting!
How long would the referral be normally stored in the user’s session?
Like 1 week? 1 month? Or forever, if he doesn’t clean his browser?

Hey @sebastian-marinescu :wave:
Currently there’s no time limit and that token would also be used for future purchases if in the same session. If a different referral url token was used though, it would be overwritten by the new one.

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Sounds perfect - thanks! :ok_hand:t4:

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