some customers have worked with Contato or other CMS solutions before working with MODX and ContentBlocks.
CMS Contao works in a similar way. You can also add elements (Text/Images). With Contao, however, you also have the option of hiding / show a single element.
You can currently delete and create new elements on a MODX page. But you don’t have the possibility to hide an element.
It can be very practical, for example, if you prepare a text but do not want to publish it yet.
Maybe it is also a need for other ContentBlocks users. It would be a suggestion for improvement.
I just wanted to share that I implemented something like this by myself some time ago, which isn’t as user-friendly as an - icon, but get’s the job done.
Good idea. You could improve it further by using the multi-select setting as an input type. Then you can set a number of visibility classes independently in one line. I use it for margin- and padding-settings for layouts. And I will now include also a visibility setting.