Problem with uploading vimeo video? (solved)


Uploading vimeo video’s is not working for me anymore.

When uploading i see a white thumbnail, but not the video thumbnail.
When i click to enlarge, i do see the video playing.

But on the front-end my snippet is not showing any results.

This used to work, i’m running MODx 2.7.0 and Moregallery 1.8.4

I tried this on 2 different websites, both have the same issue.

Any one else have this?


this could be a vimeo setting problem … i found out some other video’s do work, alltho they seem to have the same settings … i’ll keep on digging

I’d double check the video privacy, as the integration uses public information only.

Yup … client didnt add the proper domein to embed in.

Thanks, solved, everything works!

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