Payment via wire transfer

Hi modmore-community and modmore-team,

for my first online-shop powered by Commerce my client wished a payment-method “Wire Transfer”.
So I added a manual payment-method with that name and it’s ready.

Right now he would have to manually send an email with his bank-account to his shop-customer.
Or of course we could update the email-template to always include his bank-data.

But I’m looking for something more elegant/automatic :slight_smile:
So when a customer chooses “Wire Transfer”,
then he should get an additional email with the bank-account.
Anyone has an idea how to accomplish that?

I’ve got some ideas…

  • In the email template, do a conditional on the payment method and only add the information if needed.
  • Add a new field to payment methods for something along the lines of “Customer Email Description”. That fields’ content would then be available in a placeholder for the email as well.
  • Custom status change action that extends the current email status change action, but only executes it for specific payment methods.

I think only the last one is currently (fairly easily) possible without making core changes, while the others would require more magic, but are easily added in a core update.

Long-term, I imagine we’ll also have a separate payment flow that allows payments to be authorized, but charged later, where the order is actually marked in the back-end as unpaid, and a merchant action (like shipping the item) will incur the actual payment. When we have that, adding a manually-paid-later type payment method could also become a possibility…

Hi Mark,

Same question here. Almost all of our payment providers require manual confirmation if a payment is received. So what you’re saying:

Long-term, I imagine we’ll also have a separate payment flow that allows payments to be authorized, but charged later, where the order is actually marked in the back-end as unpaid, and a merchant action (like shipping the item) will incur the actual payment.

…is exactly what we need. Is it already long-term? :slight_smile:

In addition: I can’t find a way to manually change an order status from Paid to Unpaid. Is there any way to do that?

Was hoping to get that done this summer, but then 2020 happened. :wink:

Unpaid to paid order state is not supported, but you can use different statuses assigned to the processing state reflecting your workflow.