Hi there,
I am having trouble with the snippet call using getPage for pagination in combination with MoreGallery.
My current snippet call is:
[[!getPage? &element=`mgGetImages` &tpl=`gallery.tpl` &limit=`50`]]
and my gallery.tpl looks like:
<a href="[[+file_url:phpthumbof=`w=1000&q=95&fltr[]=wmi|images/watermark.png`]]" data-lightbox="skiing_gallery" data-title="[[+name]]" class="images">
<div class="image">
<img src="[[+file_path:phpthumbof=`w=200&h=150&zc=1&q=100`]]" alt="[[+name]]">
The output from the above seems to not use the template I have assigned, as none of the images come through with the css, or pthumb. I have tested this with just using a regular MoreGallery call:
[[mgGetImages? &limit=`0` &sortBy=`uploadedon` &sortDir=`ASC` &imageTpl=`gallery.tpl`]]
and it gets called perfectly fine with the css/pthumb through that.
So for some reason it seems as though my getPage call is not going through the gallery.tpl I have specified. Are there any steps I have missed that could have caused this?
Thanks all for your future help