just got the following in MODX Revolution 2.8.5-pl and php8…
Permission 'new_document' required for ''!{} Could not create resource: Permission 'new_document' required for ''!{}
this is happening in the code taken from https://forum.modmore.com/t/example-product-import-script/1886
....// use the processor to create the resource - this does all sort of processing that we don't want to rewrite
/** @var modProcessorResponse $response */
$response = $modx->runProcessor('resource/create', [
'context_key' => 'web',
'parent' => $resourceParent,
'template' => $resourceTemplate,
'pagetitle' => $sourceRow['name'],
'alias' => $modx->filterPathSegment($sourceRow['name'] . '-' . rand(0,999999)), // can leave this out or set a specific alias
'published' => true,
if ($response->isError()) {
$errors = implode(', ', $response->getAllErrors());
echo "Could not create resource: {$errors}{}\n";
else {
But it works in php7.4. for sure… Is modx 2.8.5 has newer API for php8??