Gitify, MODX upgrade, deployment

Hi all,

Let’s say there is a site on my production server that runs MODX 2.x.
If I :

  • upgrade it to 2.4.2 on my development server and make a few changes to the site.
  • run “Gitify extract”
  • push it to my Gitlab rep.
  • deploy it to my production server (using DeployBot)
  • and run “Gitify build” on my production server

will my production site will be properly upgraded ?
Or do I still need to run a MODX upgrade on my production server to make sure the database structure is upgraded ?


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Hi @jeanphilippeansel,

you’ll still need to run the MODX upgrade on production as well. Primarily for database upgrades and other migrations that are executed during the setup, which are not replicated through Gitify.

Hi @mhamstra,

I see, it makes sense. Thank you for the answer.
What about Modmore premium extensions ? (I want to buy Redactor for every single site I make).
If I install them on localhost, will I be able to deploy them using Gitify on staging and production site without having to buy a licence for each environment ? Or will I be blocked ?

Thanks again,

Yes you can. Modmore Extensions are free to test on environments with domains such as localhost, .local, .dev

Let’s say you have development on development.local then you can test every package from modmore for free.
On your staging environment you can use them to - just use an entry in your /etc/hosts file.
The only place where you would need a license is your production environment

Though you will have to run Gitify package:install --all.

I do the same and it works well :slight_smile: