Gitify and Deploybot

Hi Modmore and all!

I heard MarkH did a talk about using Gitify and Deploybot together at modxpo.

Is there any footage of this talk, or details anywhere?


Hey Murray, the slides are up at

There’s a fair bit of content on the slides so it should probably be possible to follow along, but if you have any questions, just ask :smile:

The talks have also been recorded if I understand correctly, so those will likely appear at some point in the future.

Cheers for that Mark. I’m looking forward to seeing the recording. What is the main reason for using deploybot as opposed to just pulling from the repository?

One thing DeployBot does is make the deployment status more accessible - you can visually see what is deployed on what environment (slide 52), and with the way we set up deployments (slide 53) it also supports rolling back to arbitrary commits as needed via the UI.

You could definitely take those commands and run them manually, or with a webhook or something too.