Wondering if anyone has attempted to filter a list of simplecart products by their product price? (where product_price < $50 or > $100 for example.
I attempted this using both getResources and pdoResources and neither seem to have access to this custom field with the where query, however if you show the debug log for those snippets product_prices shows up in the results?
Get Resources Call
Fields Available to query:
[tpl] =>
[tplOdd] =>
[tplFirst] =>
[tplLast] =>
[tplWrapper] =>
[wrapIfEmpty] =>
[sortby] => publishedon
[sortbyTV] =>
[sortbyTVType] => string
[sortbyAlias] =>
[sortbyEscaped] => 0
[sortdir] => DESC
[sortdirTV] => DESC
[limit] => 5
[offset] => 0
[tvFilters] =>
[tvFiltersAndDelimiter] => ,
[tvFiltersOrDelimiter] => ||
[depth] => 10
[parents] => 704,710,716,717,718,719
[includeContent] => 1
[includeTVs] => 1
[includeTVList] =>
[showHidden] =>
[showUnpublished] =>
[showDeleted] =>
[resources] =>
[processTVs] =>
[processTVList] =>
[prepareTVs] => 1
[prepareTVList] =>
[tvPrefix] => tv.
[idx] => 1
[first] => 1
[last] => 5
[toPlaceholder] =>
[toSeparatePlaceholders] =>
[debug] => 1
[where] =>
[dbCacheFlag] => 0
[context] =>
[tplCondition] =>
[tplOperator] => ==
[conditionalTpls] =>
[odd] => 1
[id] => 666
[type] => document
[contentType] => text/html
[pagetitle] => SLK002
[longtitle] =>
[description] =>
[alias] => slk002
[link_attributes] =>
[published] => 1
[pub_date] =>
[unpub_date] =>
[parent] => 717
[isfolder] =>
[introtext] =>
[content] =>
[richtext] => 1
[template] => 14
[menuindex] => 160
[searchable] => 1
[cacheable] => 1
[createdby] => 2
[createdon] => 2015-03-03 13:57:50
[editedby] =>
[editedon] =>
[deleted] =>
[deletedon] =>
[deletedby] =>
[publishedon] => 2015-11-18 10:35:25
[publishedby] => 16
[menutitle] =>
[donthit] =>
[privateweb] =>
[privatemgr] =>
[content_dispo] =>
[hidemenu] =>
[class_key] => scProductResource
[context_key] => web
[content_type] => 1
[uri] => slk002.html
[uri_override] =>
[hide_children_in_tree] =>
[show_in_tree] =>
[properties] => Array
[stercseo] => Array
[index] => 1
[follow] => 1
[sitemap] =>
[priority] =>
[changefreq] =>
[urls] =>
[product_code] =>
[product_price] => 0
[product_image] => assets/images/products/666/slk002.jpg
[product_stock] =>
[product_price_formatted] => $ 0.00
[product_tax_ex] => 0
[product_tax_in] => 0
[product_tax_price] => 0
[product_tax_rate] => 0
[product_tax_ex_formatted] => $ 0.00
[product_tax_in_formatted] => $ 0.00
[product_tax_price_formatted] => $ 0.00
[product_tax_rate_formatted] => $ 0.00