This module seems to have a problem. It is not possible to add fields or to create a new form.
When adding a form I get this message: formalicious.form_err_save.
These are the error messages in the log file:
[2019-09-10 11:21:11] (ERROR @ /home/customer/domains/domein.com/public_html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 1452) Error 22007 executing statement:
INSERT INTO modx_formalicious_fields
, title
, placeholder
, description
, directional
, type
, required
, published
, rank
, property
) VALUES (1, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, 0, 4, 0, 0, 5, ‘’)
[0] => 22007
[1] => 1366
[2] => Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column literair_1
at row 1
[2019-09-10 11:28:45] (ERROR @ /home/customer/domains/domein.com/public_html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 1452) Error 22007 executing statement:
INSERT INTO modx_formalicious_forms
, name
, published
, published_from
, published_till
, saveform
, redirectto
, email
, emailto
, emailsubject
, emailcontent
, fiaremail
, fiaremailto
, fiaremailfrom
, fiaremailsubject
, fiaremailcontent
, fiaremailattachment
, prehooks
, posthooks
, parameters
) VALUES (1, ‘testttttttttt’, 1, ‘2019-09-09 11:28:42’, ‘2019-09-27 11:28:45’, 0, 0, 1, ‘mail@mail.com’, ‘TEST’, ‘TEST’, 0, 0, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’)
[0] => 22007
[1] => 1366
[2] => Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column literair_1
at row 1
Hop this can be solved soon!