Commerce 0.10.4

We’ve just made Commerce 0.10.4 available, which fixes a variety of bugs.

Also as a reminder: if you haven’t updated to 0.10.3 yet, please do so as soon as possible to protect yourself against an important security issue. We’ll be disclosing more information about the vulnerability on February 12th.

The full changelog for 0.10.4 is below.

Highlights are the improved coupon handling (proper (re)calculation when the order changes), various small fixes in the cart/checkout, and ensuring ctrl/cmd+click opens in a new tab in the dashboard.

  • [checkout] Prevent products with zero quantity from being added to the cart
  • [checkout] Fix incorrect placeholder used in the frontend/checkout/partial/summary.twig template [S16008]
  • [checkout] Fix MODX tags not being parsed when requesting the cart or checkout with AJAX requests
  • [coupons] Refactor coupon handling to recalculate after each order change and have cleaner logic [#223,#183]
  • [coupons] Prevent Coupon Usage links pointing to unavailable (other mode) orders [S13477]
  • [dashboard] Fix ctrl/cmd+click not opening links in new windows
  • [modules] Fix E_FATAL preventing editing the Default Address module
  • [modules] AutoFillGeoIP module now only sets (overwrites) the expected address if it has a proper result
  • [order items] Improve comOrderItem idx handling; cart is now sorted by it and simplified logic for determining next one
  • [order items] comOrderItem.addPriceAdjustment() and comOrderItem.removePriceAdjustment() have a new $recalculate parameter
  • [productstv] Fix missing dependency in Products TV causing select fields to not get enhanced
  • [snippets] Fix missing lexicon in commerce.get_order snippet [S15845]
  • [statuses] Fix hardcoded email subject in Shipping Email to Customer action, now uses lexicon instead [#227]
  • [statuses] Prevent exceptions in status changes from breaking checkout/manager flow; exceptions now get logged to the order and MODX log [#221]