BigBrother 2.1

We’ve released BigBrother 2.1.0 today. This release builds on the 2.0 series with support for Google Analytics 4, and most notably introduced a permission (and associated policy) to control access to the authorize page.

The changelog for Big Brother 2.1.0-pl:

  • Fix javascript error when profiles can’t be loaded in the authorized screen, and adjust error message to indicate potential reasons [#78]
  • Add BigBrother Admin policy/template and assign to admin on install
  • Restrict authorization page to users with the bigbrother_authorize permission
  • Update dependencies: chart.js to 3.5.1, luxon to 1.28.0, chartjs-adapter-luxon to 1.1.0, uglify-js to 3.14.2, google/analytics-admin to 0.4.0, google/analytics-data to 0.7.0

Learn more about Big Brother.