Apple Pay Not working

Hi All,

I’m almost there and ready to go live - but the payment options is killing me!
I signed up for a Braintree sandbox account for testing - because it says that Apple Pay can be enabled.
But I cannot get it to work.

Has anyone got it working?

I enabled it in Braintree, and added the domain it’s on, but not sure if I have to get a certificate using an Apple Developer account? Or is that just for use with apps?

I know this question isn’t directly linked in Commerce, but wondered if anyone has successfully set it up?


As I don’t personally have Apple Pay I’ve never been able to fully test this A-Z, but these instructions should work: Configuration | JavaScript - Braintree Developer Documentation

In addition, a slight tweak to the templates is needed.

Copy the frontend/gateways/braintree/dropin_v3.twig template from the default to your own themes directory, and around line 39 (after vaultManager), add this:

                vaultManager: {% if vault_manager %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}, 
// add a comma and the end of the line above
// then add the applePay configuration
                applePay: {
                    displayName: 'My Store',
                    paymentRequest: {
                        total: {
                            label: 'My Store',
                            amount: '{{ amount_formatted }}'
                        requiredBillingContactFields: ["postalAddress"]

See also: Setup And Integration | JavaScript - Braintree Developer Documentation

Thanks. I had issues creating this as my apple Id wasn’t valid to be a developer account somehow.
Anyway - I tried Stripe, and they have Apple Pay enabled out of the box, so went with that if anyone else is curious!
