The release candidate of Agenda 1.5.0 is available. The new version will have some great additions:
- Agenda can be extended with modules to override internal classes. At the moment only import and export can be changed by modules.
- It is possible to import and export events (CSV, XML and Excel).
- The overview processor includes full descriptions and link values in the result (for use with e.g. FullCalendar).
- The new user-defined repeat type can be used for recurring events. This allows the user to add recurrences independently.
- A new filterByEvents snippet property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations to filter the calendars, categories and locations on base of all future events.
- A new where snippet property for all snippets for a self defined filtering of the events.
- The visibility of the columns and the sorting in the event grid is saved.
- Only future results will be output in the autocomplete processor.
- The events grid historical view is sorted backwards with most recent events first.
Stay tuned for the next version of Agenda. If you want to use the new version already, you can switch to the prerelease channel for Agenda at modmore.