I want to add the phone number of my customer inside the received merchant email subject.
It’s looking easy to do.
On the order-to-merchant.twig
file, I’m setting this line :
{% block subject %}{{ lex('commerce.email.order_rcvdmerch.subject', { name: billing_address.fullname, id: order.reference, phone: shipping_address.phone }) }}{% endblock %}
Inside the MODX Lexicon commerce.email.order_rcvdmerch.subject entry, I’m setting this :
Order #[[+id]] - [[+name]] - [[+phone]]
But the [[+phone]] placeholder stay empty.
I don’t understand because elsewhere on the order-to-merchant email body, I’m using the field phone: shipping_address.phone
througth lexicon with success.
Is there a kind of limitation for the usable placeholders for the subject email ?