MoreGallery 1.4.1 fixes bugs

We’ve fixed a number of different bugs in a new update for MoreGallery, v1.4.1. These range from missing settings to preventing tripping over mod_security rules and duplicate results when filtering on tags. Here’s the full list:

  • Properly filter out EXIF and IPTC data from AJAX requests to prevent tripping over mod_security rules [#149]
  • Allow changing the number of thumbnails that are prefetched as base64 in the manager (useful on slow disks) [#148]
  • Add missing allowed_extensions_per_source setting to build
  • Make sure media source specific extensions are checked case insensitively
  • Add DISTINCT to the image query to prevent duplicate results when filtering on tags (Thanks Adam!) [#140]
  • Prevent pretty noisy “[[]] is not a valid integer” error [S8750]