Redactor-2.2.0-pl out now

Earlier this month we released a prerelease of Redactor-2.2.0 which introduces an all new fullscreen mode to the Eureka media browser along with several other minor adjustments and fixes.

Eureka Fullscreen Example from JP DeVries on Vimeo.

We’ve exposed a new redactor.initial_directory_depth setting which defaults to 3. This setting previously was hidden and defaulted to 1. This setting defines the number of directories the media browser connectors should recursively list subfolders when making request to the MODX API. In other words, the media browser should be a little snappier now but if you experience issues with it timing out on requests to folders with many sub folders you may want to decrease the value of this setting.

You can update to Redactor 2.2 today using the MODX Package Manager. We hope you enjoy it!

And now for the changelog:

++ Redactor 2.2.0-pl
++ Released on 2016-05-19
 - Fix predefinedLinks plugin
 - Hacked redactor.js to add support for multiple modal callbacks

++ Redactor 2.2.0-rc2
++ Released on 2016-05-03
- Fix file path issue with dom4 and no-flexbox polyfills which broke the browser in certain browsers
- Fix issue causing file browser to not open to redactor.file_browse_path
- Fix uncaught type error in Eureka Media Browser when media source is not yet set

++ Redactor 2.2.0-rc1
++ Released on 2016-04-29
- All new Full Screen view in Eureka media browser model
- Eureka: New messaging "no files found" messaging
- Eureka: Separate Storage Prefix for Files and Images [#417]
- Eureka: Setting to disable localStorage via hidden eurekaUseLocalStorage setting [#418]
- Eureka: Control whether of not fullscreen mode is available via hidden eurekaAllowFullScreen System Setting
- Image Title Renamed to Alternative Text [#401]
- Removing references to autoresize [#394]
- Exposed redactor.initial_directory_depth Setting with a default value of 3. This means the Eureka Media Browser connectors will now attempt to recursively list directories three depths deep.