MoreGallery 1.4.2 available

A new release of MoreGallery is now out. It fixes a couple of bugs that have been reported in the past few weeks:

  • Fix issue showing images when &sortBy is random and &wrapperTpl is set [#167]
  • Fix invalid shutdown callback warning when importing files [#169]
  • Fix opening the media browser a second time, or after opening the browser in TVs [#164]
  • Prevent invalid EXIF or IPTC data from breaking uploads or listing images [S9225]

Aside from this bug fix release, we’re also working on MoreGallery 1.5 which is almost ready. This feature release adds support for embedding videos (see this video for a slightly old preview), duplicating galleries with its images and has several other, mostly under-the-hood, improvements that should make MoreGallery more solid.