Commerce 0.8.3... another step closer to beta

We’ve just released Commerce 0.8.3! This release includes some fixes for the new products tv we added in 0.8, as well as a couple of other bugs. Special thanks to Kristian Pars, for reporting almost all of the bugs we’ve fixed in this update :wink:

This is what we’ve fixed in 0.8.3:

  • [checkout] Fix confusing placeholder usage in cart/items.twig in tax_exclusive block: use {{ item.total_ex_tax_formatted }} instead of {{ item.total_formatted }} [#135]
  • [checkout] Fix inability to progress in checkout when checkout_show_account_step is off [S12251]
  • [dashboard] Fix submitting the limit field on grids sending the user to the MODX dashboard [#160]
  • [dashboard] Fix currency fields storing a wrong value when a comma or period is added [#158]
  • [productstv] Fix “Select Product” button only responding to click on the text [#161]
  • [productstv] Fix Product TVs outputting “,123” when adding a first product [#162]

If you’d like to apply the placeholder fix to your own templates, find this code in frontend/checkout/cart/items.twig around line 40:

<td class="c-cart-item-total">
    {% if tax_exclusive %}
        {% if != 0 %}
            <strike>{{ item.subtotal_formatted }}</strike> {{ item.total_formatted }}
            <small>{{ lex('', {'discount': item.discount_formatted}) }}</small>
        {% else %}
            {{ item.total_formatted }}
        {% endif %}

and change it to:

<td class="c-cart-item-total">
    {% if tax_exclusive %}
        {% if != 0 %}
            <strike>{{ item.subtotal_formatted }}</strike> {{ item.total_ex_tax_formatted }}
            <small>{{ lex('', {'discount': item.discount_formatted}) }}</small>
        {% else %}
            {{ item.total_ex_tax_formatted }}
        {% endif %}

That will make sure the items in your cart shows a total of €10 + €2,10 tax, instead of previously €12 + €2,10 tax:

Of course you can use the various placeholders to make it show whatever information you prefer (perhaps a separate “tax” column, with the total showing the actual total), but this is a more logical default.

This might not be the last release this week (it’s only Monday!) so stay tuned for more, including support for a new payment gateway.