Commerce 0.6 available

Commerce 0.6 is now out with some nice new improvements. This includes success and error messages being persisted across redirects, more events in the checkout process, improved coupon handling, and new modules to set a minimum order amount and to enforce the stock.

Here’s the full list of what’s new or changed in this release:

  • [cart] Show discounted and original price in right order in cart
  • [checkout] Make sure the thank you page requires an address
  • [checkout] Persist messages and errors to the sessions before a redirect
  • [checkout] Fire additional event after the step is processed
  • [checkout] When the order total_due is 0, send the customer forward to complete the order
  • [checkout] Replace hard-coded “Cart Totals” header with lexicon
  • [checkout] Make it possible to use lexicons in shipping and payment method name and description [S11848]
  • [coupons] Allow coupons to be removed from the cart [#132]
  • [dashboard] Fix live licenses being treated as development licenses in checklist
  • [modules] Add MinOrderAmount module to force a minimum order total in the checkout
  • [modules] Update UpdateStock and Coupons module to use new state-specific events instead of payment event [#125]
  • [modules] Add EnforceStock module to prevent customers buying more than is available
  • [orders] Fire new state-specific events (eg Cart->Processing) that fire regardless of a payment or other reason for an order being changed [#126]
  • [orders] New updateItemQuantity method and new comOrder::EVENT_ITEM_UPDATED and comOrder::EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED event
  • [orders] Make order available via $event->getOrder() on comOrder::EVENT_ITEM_* events

If you’d like to see Commerce in action, join me in Munich next week for a presentation and live demo as we get closer to beta.